Build a Free Website with your Google Account

Put Your Business on the Internet for free using Google Sites free software.

Want to build a free website for your business? Are you looking for a cost effective efficient way of building a website?  Want to get an internet presence to advertise and showcase your business services and offerings? then Google's free website builder is for you. No need to pay huge sums of money for a web designer or pay for web hosting. 

Google sites is a free website builder and comes with fast free website hosting.

It is a long established fact that only very few people know about Google's intuitive newer version of their website builder.  Let’s face it many of us can drag and drop things into a Word  document or presentation document so surely can it be that difficult to design and build your own website?

Build a business website

Before we start there are two types of Google accounts, a paid-for Workspace account formerly G Suite for business and your normal standard free to use account for Gmail YouTube services,  both you can use for a business website using google sites, however the standard account does have limited email quotas.

How to open Google sites from Drive

Is Google Sites really free to use? 

Yes with a standard account. So what’s the catch? Nothing! however, like with all websites you will need to pay for your domain name.

 A “.com” can easy be bought from *  for $10-$20.

Although most websites are now built with WordPress, also free to use with *paid web hosting, many business start-ups are increasingly looking for ways of creating websites for themselves. Social media and TV are now swamped with the big boys Wix, Shopify, GoDaddy, and others advertising their own out of the box WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) website builder packages which range in price to very pricy.  Now you would think a free simple to use drag-and-drop website editor already incorporated inside your Google Drive as part of Google's amazing suite of applications would be snapped up and yet somehow you hear little about it.  

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One of the biggest advantages of Google sites is; it's very straightforward to create a website,  easy to keep updated,  change or add additional content, and simple to create new pages, all absolutely FREE.

create a free website

Your business on the internet.

There’s no doubt Google has made things easier to put your business on the internet, by signing up to Google's, my business, console, and host of other free tools such as analytics, registering your business address with google maps linked to your website is an absolute must especially if you are a local business. 

For a full working example of a local business website created free with Google sites have a peak at